11/28(一) 14:30 東吳大學松怡廳 怎麼去?
票價 / Ticket: 自由入座
  • 哈里森(澳洲):《專注於感官,聲韻自會到位》為室內樂 (2011) Holly
    HARRISON (Australia): Take Care of the Sense, and the Sounds Will Take Care of Themselves, for chamber ensemble (2011)
  • 袁偉鋒(香港):《臉》為管樂、弦樂、鋼琴與打擊樂 (2011)
    Mike Yuen-Wai FUNG (Hong Kong): Faces, octet for winds, strings, piano and percussions (2011)
  • 霍珀林(以色列):《凹痕》三個樂章為單簧管及弦樂三重奏 (2010)
    Bnaya Halperin (Israel): Dents, three movements for clarinet and string trio (2010)
  • 高橋幸代(日本):《身》為長笛、雙簧管、小提琴、大提琴與打擊樂 (2008)
    Yukiyo TAKAHASHI (Japan): Soma, for flute, oboe, violin, cello and percussion (2008)
  • 韓容敏(韓國):《為八位演奏者之合奏曲》(2011)
    Yong-Min HAN (Korea): Ensemble for 8 Musicians (2010)
  • 朱嘉寶(馬來西亞):《五首鋼琴小品》(2010)
    Jessica CHO Kah Poh (Malaysia): Five Little Pieces for Piano (2010)
  • 卡特(紐西蘭):《呢喃》為弦樂四重奏 (2007)
    Tristan CARTER (New Zealand): Murmur, for string quartet (2007)
  • 陳長毅(新加坡):《回聲》為弦樂四重奏 (2009)
    Zhang-Yi CHEN (Singapore): Echoes, for String quartet (2009)
  • 林煒傑(臺灣):《時.蝕》為弦樂四重奏與鋼琴 (2011)
    Wei-Chieh LIN (Taiwan): ...as time flows, and eclipses..., for string quintet and piano (2011)
  • 本江(泰國):《第二號四重奏》為單簧管、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴 (2011)
    Chonlawit BUNJAN (Thailand): Quartet II, for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2011)
  • 伍家駿(香港):《小提琴上的大跳》為小提琴與鋼琴(委託創作) (2011)
    Ian NG (Hong Kong): Grand Jeté on a Violin, for violin and piano (commissioned composition) (2011)

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