11/27(日) 19:30 國家音樂廳 怎麼去?
票價 / Ticket: 300 / 500 / 800 / 1200 / 1500 兩廳院售票系統 購票去!
兩廳院之友 9折,學生 8折,65歲以上長者與身心障礙人士 5折
套票:任選3場8折; 5場7折; 8場6折
  • 艾波斯坦(以色列):《雪》為六位獨唱家或室內合唱團 (2011)
    Alona EPSHTEIN (Israel): Snow, for 6 solo voices or chamber choir (2011)
  • 鄭丞宰(韓國):《大祭司之禱》為無伴奏合唱 (2010)
    Seung-Jae Chung (Korea): Das Hohepriesterliche Gebet, for a cappella (2010)
  • 沈納藺(紐西蘭):《下四川》為兩位女高音、女中音、男高音、男中音與男低音 (2009)
    Nalin Shen (New Zealand): Xia Sichuan (Going Down to Sichuan Province), for two soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone and bass (2009)
  • 夏普禮(新加坡):《夢中夢》為混聲合唱、二胡、箏與電顫琴 (2008)
    John Sharpley (Singapore): A Dream Within a Dream, for mixed choir, erhu, zheng and vibraphone (2008)
  • 錢善華(臺灣):《Alleluia - 布農篇》為無伴奏合唱 (2008)
    Shan-Hua CHIEN (Taiwan): Alleluia, for a cappella (2008)
  • 連憲升(臺灣):《風中的微笑》為混聲合唱團與竹笛 (2006)
    Hsien-Sheng LIEN (Taiwan): Smile in the Wind, for mixed chorus with bamboos (2006)
  • 簡宇君(臺灣):《Cavalita Seluna》為四部混聲合唱團 (2009)
    Yu-Chun CHIEN (Taiwan): Cavalita Seluna, for mixed four-part chorus (2009)
  • 林樂培(香港):《塵埃不見咸陽橋》為合唱團、男中音與雙鋼琴 (1983)
    Doming LAM (Hong Kong): Dust Bury the Bridge of Xian Yang, for chorus, baritone solo and two pianos (1983)
  • 陳偉光(香港):《古悠悠行》為合唱團與鋼琴 (2009)
    Victor CHAN (Hong Kong): On and On: An Ancient Song, foe choir and piano (2009)
  • 穆伊可(菲律賓):《鐘擺效應》為合唱團與打擊樂 (2011)
    Maria Christine MUYCO (Philippines): Ang Pahgabyug sang Pendulum (Thrusting the Pendulum), for chorus and percussions, text by Alain Russ Dimzon (2011)

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